
La Piazza Blog & Stories
A Jingle Ride of Your Very Own
Bike Tours
January 01, 2016

A Jingle Ride of Your Very Own

Even if you don’t live in the Boston area, you can experience the fun and holiday cheer of a Ciclismo Classico Jingle Ride by setting up your own! Here’s how.
Please remember that we’re here to help! We can provide inspiration, guidance, publicity, and support.
Give Lauren a call at 617-640-4837 and she can walk you through this list.
Watch our for inspiration, ideas, and an understanding of how the ride works best.
Designate a date, time and meeting point a local café or similar easy-to-find location.
Before deciding on a date, check local calendars of events to make sure there isn’t a conflict. A cafe or coffee shop will often donate coffee and nibbles on the event day. It can’t hurt to ask!
Choose a local cause or charity that would receive donations you collect.
Choose a short, flat route (10-20 miles) that welcomes all ages and abilities. It’s more of a 10-12 mph cycling parade than a recreational ride. Plan on the ride taking 2-4 hours to complete.
Ride the route yourself and tweak as needed. Try to avoid complicated intersections, and stick to less busy roads where possible.
Select caroling stops along the route. They should be places where crowds gather, and where you will be noticed!
Plan an after-ride gathering at a café, pizza place or at your home.
Write an email invitation and include some festive photos. We can provide an invitation that you can re-use if you like.
Invite your friends via email or . We’ll also email people in your area on your behalf.
Announce to all your friends and followers. We can announce it on too!
Post the ride on your local event web sites, , etc. Local newspapers, family groups, and TV stations will often post events like this.
Make a poster and place in places you frequent (school, bike shop, gym, country club, university, church, etc). We can provide you with templates to use, plus more hints & tips!
Choose carols and make a songbook or call our office and order copies of the Ciclismo Classico Jingle Ride songbook. We can send printed copies or email PDF versions that you can print yourself.
Bring a pump, a few spare tubes, levers, and basic tools just in case. You can also ask a local bike shop to provide a support van or a mechanic on a bike.
Make or rent a holiday costume. Antlers, bells and ribbons are always popular and easy to get and wear.
Decorate your bike with jingle bells, lights, ribbons, wreaths, and whatever strikes your fancy.

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