
Sardinia Bike Tours

Sardinia represents all the mystery and allure of a far away place, frozen in time. The Sardinians consider themselves Sardinian first, then maybe Italian. With a rich, long history of storytelling, music, and nomadic culture, a strong dialect/language, and ancient customs and rituals (often celebrated in the form of festivals), Sardinia captures the heart and soul of any visitor. One becomes enchanted in meeting and engaging with the people of this magical island.

Essence of Sardinia

  • Cycle through the Montiferru pastures and olive groves
  • Visit the Phoenician and Roman settlement of Tharros and Nora
  • Enjoy the Cabras lagoons with its flamingos and the white quartz sands of Arutas and Mari Ermi
  • Explore the long sandy beaches of the Sinis Peninsula
  • Pedal along the twisting coastal road of south Sardinia and its beaches

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Sardinia’s arts have been tempered by the island’s rich culture and rugged topography. Shielded from outside influences, Sardinian musical traditions are like nothing else on the planet and they fuel a contemporary fusion scene. Literary legends such as Nobel-prize-winning Grazia Deledda reel you into the intrigues of small-town life in the wilds of mountainous Barbagia. Up and down the island you will encounter festivals where folk dancing, hand-carved masks and flamboyant costumes keep Sardinia’s one-of-a-kind heritage very much alive.

Food & Wine

Sardinia actually produces the largest number of grapes of all Italian regions – more than 100 different local grapes. Sardinian food ranges from seafood, freshly baked breads, olives, and wine to roasted suckling pig, cheeses, and ice cream. The distinctive flavors of Sardinia are not just Italian in origin but a complete mix and hybrid of various historical influences. Starting with the Phoenicians and followed by Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Moors, and Spanish, among others, the island was occupied by nearly every Mediterranean power for more than 2,500 years, until it became part of Italy in 1861. For a relatively small island, it’s amazing how much ingredients, recipes, and cooking methods vary from village to village.


Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily and before Cyprus). The coast of Sardinia (1,149 miles long) are generally high and rocky, with long, relatively straight stretches of coastline, many outstanding headlands, a few wide, deep bays, many inlets and with various smaller islands off the coast.

Due to the variety of its ecosystems, which include mountains,woods, plains, largely uninhabited territories, streams, rocky coasts and long sandy beaches, the island has been defined metaphorically as a micro-continent. In the modern era, many travelers and writers have exalted its beauty, remained untouched until the contemporary age and immersed in a landscape that houses the vestiges of the Nuragic civilization.

Best Time to Visit

April through June and September through early November

What to Bring on Tour

On the Bike:

  • 2-3 pairs of cycling shorts with chamois lining
  • Chamois cream
  • 2-3 brightly colored bicycle jerseys (one will be provided by us)
  • Cycling gloves
  • Cycling shoes and pedals (if you use them)
  • Sunglasses
  • Waterproof wind breaker or rain jacket
  • Light weight jacket or vest
  • Bicycle helmet
  • Day pack/hip pack
  • Arm and leg warmers
  • Saddle (optional)

Off the Bike:

  • 2-3 interchangeable evening outfits – our style is very casual and comfortable; jacket and tie not necessary
    • We occasionally have a more formal evening, feel free to bring something for that occasion
  • 1-2 lightweight sweaters
  • 1-2 pairs of shorts or slacks
  • Intimate clothing/sleepwear
  • Comfortable walking shoes for evenings in town

For Alpine Tours:

Pack warmer clothing (layers), waterproof gear, warm gloves and hat

Personal Supplies:

  • Passport and photocopies of your passport
  • Wallet
  • Airline ticket/e-ticket information
  • Camera and camera charger
  • Cell phone
  • Electrical adapter and adapter plug
  • Toiletries
  • Prescriptions or other medications
  • Bathing suit and sunscreen
  • Cash for guide gratuity and meals on own
  • Cash for wine kitty (optional)

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