Guest Spotlight: Elaine Epstein and a First E-Bike Experience
Guest Spotlight: Elaine Epstein and a First E-Bike Experience
Just recently, I had the pleasure of guiding Elaine and her family (for the second time) on our beautiful Costa Brava departure.
But this time, Elaine decided on riding an e-bike.
I asked Elaine if she would share some of her thoughts and conclusions about her ‘electrifying’ experience. Here are her reactions to her first ever e-bike vacation.
How many trips have you done with Ciclismo Classico?
I think this was number seven.
As a new e-bike user, what was your biggest concern before getting on the bike?
I was afraid I couldn’t control it! I thought it would handle more like a moped than a bicycle.
Before our trip began, had you talked with anyone who had ever used an e-bike? What did they say?
Yes, I did. I was so anxious I spoke with a friend of my sister’s who had just used one on a trip. She explained about the gears and the ability to use the ‘eco’ mode. She said it was very easy with 10 minutes of training. Talking to her was very helpful and proved to be true.
Describe what you were feeling on the first warm-up ride around Girona. Was fear an issue? Was it easier than you expected?
I was most terrified during the bike fitting in the garage – the first few seconds – as Nicolo knows! I was certain the bike was going to hurl me into outer-space or into the wall!
What were your motivations for riding an e-bike on this trip?
I knew I would not be able to keep up, for a variety of reasons, but so wanted to do the trip. I was a little embarrassed to be using it after all these years of bike trips, but had to be realistic—I was always lagging way behind on the last trip and that was not going to be improved right now.
How did the group react to you having this bicycle? Were there any tongue-in-cheek jokes? Did they ‘accept’ you as part of the group?

No issues at all—not a single comment, except interest in it and how I was doing with it. People were completely accepting and I felt as much a part of the group as on prior trips. I do think there’s an etiquette to it, remaining appreciative that others are working harder than you are, not cutting them off, getting in the way, etc.
How long did it take you to ‘master’ the e-bike? Who would you recommend it to?
It really only took perhaps an hour to get the hang of it, but after a day or 2 of use, I was able to figure out more how I wanted to use it. Turning it off on the downhills and on a lot of flats helped saved the battery. Then, I could keep it in eco-mode for some flats and gentle uphills. I had to remember I still had 9 gears to change before upping the electric mode to a higher power.
Above all, I needed to remember to get some exercise rather than treating it as a scooter. You do have to pedal and remember the electric mode is really a pedaling assist, not a replacement for pedaling. I biked at the back with a strong but slower rider for a lot of the time, which is usually where I am anyway. That let me have a great companion and feel like I was doing some actual biking!
I recommend it to 2 groups of people: first, those who have been on bike trips before but for some reason, like me, are not able to bike at the same pace as others or feel anxious about keeping up. Second, those with more limited biking experience who want to travel with a partner or friends who are better bikers, but want to be part of the adventure.
Were there any drawbacks to using the e-bike? Anything you’d like to see upgraded in the technology and/or mechanisms?
The main drawback is its weight, as it’s heavier than a ‘real’ bike. But that is only a factor for those

trying to replicate a biking experience and this is a little different. The positives outweigh any negative and you just have to remember to treat this as though you are doing the trip on a non-electric bike—staying in line when needed, keeping to the same rules of the road. It would be great if the bike were lighter and I could use my biking shoes, but I liked having the 9 bike gears and the 4 electric modes.
Would you consider hiring an e-bike for your next Ciclismo Classico cycling trip?
Absolutely! It allows me to take trips I could not otherwise do and continue to have these adventures with my husband (Jim 1), sister and her husband (Jim 2). I look forward to having the extra power on the Corsica and Sardinia (Mediterranean Island Hoping) departure next May/June—redoing the first trip Jim and I did with Ciclismo, many, many years ago.
Considering an e-bike for your next vacation? Get in touch with us and get your own! It’s electric!