
La Piazza Blog & Stories
The Islands of Richness: 3 Special Biking Trip Destinations in the Mediterranean
December 18, 2017

The Islands of Richness: 3 Special Biking Trip Destinations in the Mediterranean

If you’ve never been on a biking trip to the largest Mediterranean Islands, a lot could come to mind when considering island life in these pearls of the sea. Maybe you think of old fishermen with yellow beards pulling in the morning’s catch or local vendors yelling the prices of the day over the bustle of the crowd.

You wouldn’t be wrong. As a Ciclismo Classico bike tour guide and an islander myself, this is what I see each week and what you can experience on Ciclismo Classico’s La Bella Sicilia or Mediterranean Island Hopping trips. Yet, when pressed to name my favorite island villages, these three jewels of the crown come to mind.


1) Siddi, Sardegna

Situated in the heart of the Historic Marmilla region, Siddi is the perfect mix of prehistory and nature, contained in a small burg surrounded by the sweet hillsides and mountaintops. In an atmosphere of olives, vines, almonds, and gardens, Siddi has a population of around 600 people and was founded back in 1346. What we love most is the living legacy of the Nuragic civilization–a Bronze-Age population lasting from the 18C BC to 2 AD with their beautiful tower constructions on the hilltops scattered throughout the land.


2) Modica, Sicily

One of the authentic Sicilian towns in the beautiful Val di Noto, Modica has all the New World treasures brought over by the conquistadores. Under the Spanish Reign of the late 1400s to the late 1600s, Modica boasts the beauty of Spanish Baroque architecture in its Duomo di San Pietro as well as delicious cocoa turned chocolate at Bonajuto. What we love most about Modica is the bustling historic city center in the middle of what are completely quiet farmlands. It is the mpanatigghi that will enchant you, though. Don’t leave Modica without trying them!


3) Bonifacio, Corsica

Still one of our favorite towns on the map, Bonifacio is rich with profound history and natural beauty. Documents attest to Bonifacio II, Duke of Lucca in the early 800s as the founder of the city as we know it. As a major commercial port, the Genovese, the Pisani, and the French all battled for control of this city over hundreds of years. What we love about Bonifacio are the cliffs: the natural beauty of the city along the plummeting falaise. The rock staircase (l’escalier di roi d’Aragon) and le gouvernail – an 18th Century French observation tower, are all worth a visit.


To learn more about our Sicily biking trip check out:

 La Bella Sicilia

And, for Sardinia and Corsica biking trips:





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