Paolo Nicolosi
Paolo began cycling as a child, often following his father around on his bike. A member of the Ciclismo family since 1997, he has a cat named Tigro, who is loved by the neighborhood, and a beautiful daughter named Demetra, who is loved by everyone. Any tour with Paolo is sure to include plenty of singing. He particularly delights in teaching his Ciclismo guests classic (yet unfamiliar to most Americans) southern Italian tunes that they will forever associate with their trip.
Off the bike, Paolo loves to cook and spend time at the beach with his daughter, as well as biking with her the way his own father did with him. He also enjoys wandering around his home city discovering new things, since “even at home you can find old pathways and alleyways which hide some new treasure to be unlocked.”
Tongue firmly in cheek, Paolo describes himself as “a talented actor, an amazing cook, and a great singer,” adding that only his true friends know his full capabilities. If you want to see – and taste and hear – Paolo’s talents for yourself, you’ll have to take a trip with him!
In Their Own Words
“My passion is to live freely outside all the stresses of everyday life. Biking allows me to bring life down to its most basic elements: a day on a bicycle, a quick shower, a T-shirt, flip-flops and shorts, and you’re ready to visit a new town. There are no worries or stresses in your day, and you see everything from a new perspective. Then the day after, you do it all over again.”
“My favorite place to cycle is in Sicily since it’s my home and is a beautiful island. Here, the culture and history are very rich and every corner you bike around has a mysterious secret behind it just dying to be told.”
“Each Ciclismo trip offers the opportunity for its guests to immerse themselves in the local history and culture. For 10 days, you can be Sicilian, eating at our tables and singing our songs. We will take you into our arms so that you can become lovingly lost in this local culture. No other company gives you this ‘home away from home’ sensation.”
“My goal is to ensure that each and every guest enjoys the ‘real’ Sicily. Not the pizza margherita and ‘O Sole Mio’ – both which have nothing to do with my island. I want people to discover the flavor of Carubba ice cream, listen to the subtle differences in regional dialects and, above all, understand that Sicily is much more than the tough guys you see in Scorsese movies. Sicily is a continent all to its own, with its own unique history and culture that will blow your mind.”